Operational Excellence Co-pilot

At Mojo Ventures we appreciate that running any business is a team sport. As execution coaches, we help your team to measure themselves against industry benchmarks, identify gaps, and implement actionable best practices. We work with hand-picked professionals to solve problems and advise on key operational topics.

  • Marketing operations 
  • Digital marketing operations
  • Sales operations
  • Manufacturing operations
  • Intellectual asset operations (intellectual property +)
  • R&D operations


Get in touch:      

marketing coach @ mojo.ca

Marketing Operations

We help entrepreneurs to troubleshoot and build sales and marketing teams. We guide executives and teams to continuous improvement and better results.

  • The 4 P’s of marketing (Product | Price | Place | Promotion)
  • Winning sales campaigns
  • Brand management
  • Investor and corporate communications
  • Minimum viable prototypes to manufacturing prototypes
  • Building people, teams, and processes
  • Market discovery and validation to find the "voice of customer".
  • Measure against industry benchmarks, identify gaps, and implement actionable best practices
  • Develop a scalable marketing process with performance metrics that maximize revenue and minimize the cost of acquisition.  

Meet Sean 

Sean has 30 years of experience crafting winning messages.  He has written for or advised thousands of start-ups to develop clear value propositions, winning sales campaigns, on-target marketing messages, and investor pitch decks.   As a brand manager, he has led "voice of customer" work, brand design, and trademark management.  Within government, he wrote many corporate communications messages, briefing books, and questions period cards.  In addition, he is a trained mediator, arbitrator, and negotiator.  He has experience negotiating in finance, real estate, union labor, sales, and business development.  Today he coaches a stable of senior executives to push themselves with strategic management, growth, and exit planning.  


Get in touch:      

digital marketing coach @ mojo.ca

Digital Marketing Operations

Our digital marketing team is in Colorado and British Columbia.  We guarantee our SEO work and we deliver services with predictable flat-rate monthly fees, no long-term commitments, and an a la carte menu of digital marketing services ranging from writers to keyword experts.  The team is active across North America working for small firms and Fortune 500 clients.

  • SEO
  • Pay Per Click
  • Video marketing


Meet Chris & Jason

Jason and Chris co-lead our digital marketing team in Colorado. 

Jason has worked on media and marketing projects for corporations such as the Walt Disney Company, Hewlett Packard and other Fortune 500 companies.  He produces and directs documentaries, that have been considered for Academy Awards.  He produced independent motion pictures released by New Line Cinema and Lions Gate. 



Chris is an expert in SEO and PPC marketing being one of the longest-standing SEO companies in the world. Chris and his team have been awarded for business innovation and business growth and their confidence allows them to guarantee their work. Chris is a leader who has worked with thousands of smaller firms and larger accounts such as Kraft.


Get in touch:      

sales coach @ mojo.ca

Sales Operations

Sales Leadership is not taught in school.  It comes from a deep understanding of a customer and a compelling value proposition.   Our sales experts are Colin and Chris who can assist with the following:  

  • sales modeling
  • recruiting people
  • scalable sales processes
  • eMail marketing & lead generation
  • phone marketing & lead generation
  • implementing sales tools (CRM / CMS)
  • performance metrics that maximize revenue and minimize the cost of acquisition.  

Meet Colin

Over 20 years, Colin has been instrumental in generating millions of dollars in new sales revenues for clients.  He engineers and executes bespoke sales and marketing processes for clients in the Technology (Oracle, Netledger, Microsoft), Financial Services (Vancity, Pacific Blue Cross), Manufacturing and Professional Services (BDO) industries.

Specialties: Revenue Growth, Sales performance improvement, Leadership training, Business Development, Lead Generation, Entrepreneurial training.


Meet Chris

Chris provides business development planning and tactical services for a wide range of Vancouver-based ventures (SaaS / Device / Traditional) in both B2B and B2C markets. His broad experiences touch on consumer, commercial, and industrial product and service companies. Specialties: Strategic planning, research and feasibility, operational start-up, business development, business transformation, budgeting, process design, systems investment/installation, project management, change management, board development, training, and education.



Get in touch:      

industrial engineering coach @ mojo.ca

Manufacturing Operations

Operations Management is a way of thinking. It is a philosophy where problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership result in ongoing improvement in an organization. The process involves focusing on the customers' needs, keeping the employees positive and empowered, and continually improving the current activities in the workplace. Leadership, people, and culture are key value drivers in any organization.  

Value Stream Mapping:  This is one of the many tools in the Lean toolbox. It allows a company to see how much work they are actually doing during their operations, and more importantly, how much space and time these operations actually require. 

Theory of Constraints:  This is a strategic planning tool that can be used from the boardroom to the loading dock.  Our team has extensive experience in the training and using this working tool.  We can help you use it to better understand what's stopping your company from growing operations, volume, quality, or customers.

Lean Manufacturing:  The LEAN tool kit is a collection of working tools.  We can help you identify what tools are useful and which are too specialized for your specific needs.  


Meet Walter 

Walter is a professional Industrial Engineer with over 40 years of experience working in different management roles. He draws from a variety of frameworks such as ISO, Lean, and Six Sigma in his coaching. Walter holds B.Sc (Hon) in Engineering-Physics, is a Fellow of the Engineers of Canada (FEC), and a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE).

Walter visited 1,600 companies over 18 years sharing operations management advice. His best success was a factor 20 improvement in productivity. He’s been the manager at a seafood company delivering new operational standards that resulted in savings of $1 million/year. He led a team at a shrimp plant in Tampa, Florida that saved $3.2 million per year, reducing labor costs by 40%, and increasing quality and productivity by 50%. As the Production Manager at Coca-Cola, he managed 3 supervisors and up to 80 employees in a $100 million plant doing 15 million cases/yr.  While at Michelin Tire, Walter eliminated a $360,000 capital expenditure by designing and establishing a repair shop within the existing building and he saved another $800,000 by coordinating maintenance personnel between plants. His coaching draws on these and many other stories.   

As an instructor, Walter taught Quality and Industrial Engineering at the BC Institute of Technology for many years.  Walter Wardrop is a writer at the Growth Roundtable and is a sought-after speaker who has presented as far away as Ecuador.  

Get in touch:      

intellectual asset coach @ mojo.ca

Intellectual Asset Operations 

At Mojo Ventures we coach entrepreneurs to better understand competitive barriers to entry and how intellectual assets - intellectual property and non-IP based intangibles - can effectively produce useful competitive moats. Click here to learn more about our intellectual property professionals for patent drafting, trademark filings, licensing, and more. 

No review of competitive strategy would be complete without Michael Porter’s 5 forces analysis.  It is a particularly useful framework for looking at competitive dynamics and takes a broad perspective on competition. The first form of rivalry is found among direct competitors.   Five forces analysis adds four more. The bargaining power of suppliers is a risk.  The threat of new entrants is a risk.  The bargaining power of buyers is a risk. Finally, the threat of substitute products or services is a risk.  

Reference: Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage, Free Press

According to Porter, competitive strategy should never be about winning at any cost.  Generally, competing on price is a race to the bottom.  Competing to win requires a focus that aims at being unique within your category, having defensible barriers to entry, and delivering offerings that are valued by customers.  Firms will generally deliver better financial performance by enabling three target outcomes: a sustainably higher price point, a sustainably lower cost structure, and defensible unique features or experiences that are valued by customers.

Let’s consider some examples: 

  • A unique brand may reflect high quality and may enable a higher price point. 
  • A unique operational approach (know-how or trade secret) may enable a lower cost structure. 
  • A strong patent portfolio may enable a higher business valuation.  
  • Special regulatory approvals may deliver exclusivity that in turn enables a higher price point.

Warren Buffet describes what he looks for as an investor as “moats”. The study of INTELLECTUAL ASSETS is the main business role responsible for establishing and maintaining such strong barriers to entry.  Intellectual assets come in two types: formal assets in the form of intellectual property (IP) such as copyright or patents, and informal assets such as know-how or trade secrets.  These moats can be captured, valued, and monetized.  From patent drafting to licensing strategy, we help executives to build and develop intellectual asset portfolios that make a competitive difference.  

Meet Sean 

Sean has 30 years of experience helping organizations manage intellectual assets.  As a patent examiner, he issued thousands of patents while at the Canadian Patent Office and today he helps CEOs and CTOs to better identify and capture innovation into cohesive strategies that result in valuable competitive barriers to entry.   He is supported by a team of independent patent professionals for patent and trademark filings, policing, and enforcement.